
Growing a Community of Support: Firemen Movers Training Helps Volunteers in the GTA Move with Confidence
A social enterprise is more than just a business that donates to the same deserving organization each year – it’s an investment into the infrastructure of a community, a partnership that ensures both parties are less vulnerable to external pressures and more focused on shared values, stability, and prosperity. Shelter Movers proudly began a social

Coercive Control & How It Affects Kids
What Is Coercive Control? Isolation. Control. Threats. Humiliation. Abusers use a number of psychological and emotional tactics – not always recognized as forms of violence – to keep their partners

Keeping Moves Safe in Southwestern Ontario
The number one priority of Shelter Movers Southwestern Ontario (SMSWO) is keeping our volunteers and clients safe on moves. SMSWO conducts three types of moves: low, medium, and high-risk. To

Natural Disasters & The Impact On Survivors of Gender-based Violence
In the face of natural disasters, we often come together to provide aid, shelter and resources to one another. Nova Scotia has faced its fair share of natural disasters, in

Volunteer Spotlight: Jess
Meet Jess, a volunteer with Shelter Movers Southwestern Ontario! Jess started volunteering with Shelter Movers because she was passionate about making a difference in her community. Altruism has always been

SMNS Leadership Team
At Shelter Movers we are immensely proud of the exceptional group of leaders who guide and inspire our organization’s vision, goals, and impactful initiatives. We are fortunate to have a

Social Media: A double edged sword for survivors of intimate partner violence
In today’s world it’s never been easier to connect with others and share your life experiences. Social media has deeply ingrained itself into our everyday lives: improving our ability to