Expanding Horizons: Shelter Movers Nova Scotia’s New Reach in Cumberland-Colchester

Picture of Shelter Movers Nova Scotia

Shelter Movers Nova Scotia

Since expanding services to include Cumberland-Colchester in October of 2023, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia has reached a significant milestone in its mission to provide vital assistance to those in need. Intimate partner and family violence are a pervasive issue affecting individuals across all walks of life, but women remain the most predominantly affected across Nova Scotia. Adding to this challenge, rural crime rates for intimate partner violence are notably higher—1.8 times greater—than in urban areas. This stark reality highlights the urgent need for tailored support across unique Nova Scotian communities.

Cumberland-Colchester, in particular, is characterized by its distinct mix of urban and rural areas, presenting unique challenges for service delivery. Planning moves and coordinating support in such a diverse region requires a thoughtful and flexible approach.

Navigating the Unique Challenges of a Diverse Region

In urban centers like Truro, services are more concentrated, with a range of specialized shelters, counseling services, and legal assistance readily available. However, in more rural and isolated communities, accessing these resources is more difficult. Survivors in urban areas face overcrowded shelters and long wait lists for services while those in rural areas struggle with reduced privacy due to lower population density and an overall lack of services. When considering the needs of survivors across such a vast region, services must consider the way a client’s unique circumstances and needs impact planning and decision-making. 

To ensure survivors can always be met where they are, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia adapts services to meet the needs of individuals in both densely populated and remote areas. Some moves require longer drives with more items to move out of larger, older houses with more stairs and narrow hallways. Others rely on shorter, highly detailed timelines and safety protocols. With each successful move in Cumberland-Colchester, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia learns something new about helping survivors that will serve a future client across the area.

The Importance of Volunteer Support

To keep pace with the growing demand for services, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia is recruiting volunteers in Cumberland-Colchester as well as in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), South Shore, and the Annapolis Valley. Volunteers are the backbone of the services Shelter Movers provides, and the hard work of like-minded individuals is a vital part of each community’s contribution to the creation of practical solutions.

Volunteers play a crucial role in various capacities, including:

  • Movers and Drivers: These volunteers help with the physical relocation of survivors and their belongings, ensuring a smooth and compassionate transition to their new homes.
  • Administrative Support: Behind the scenes, administrative volunteers assist with organizing and coordinating services, managing communications, and supporting the overall operations of our organization.
  • Community Engagement: From their unique perspectives throughout the community, these volunteers identify connections with Individuals and organizations interested in building partnerships and giving back to their communities through various initiatives.

Expanding services plays a crucial role in addressing the stigma and silence around intimate partner and family violence in rural areas. It creates a supportive environment where survivors feel safe to seek help without fear of judgment or retaliation. Enhanced visibility of community collaborations boosts both education and prevention efforts, helping to reduce violence through proactive measures. When serving as a mover or driver for a survivor in their own community, volunteers get to see firsthand how a few hours of their time can be the key to unlocking a whole new life for their neighbor.

Building a Stronger Support Network

Cumberland-Colchester has the potential for a robust network of community involvement and support. Local organizations, service providers, and volunteers working collaboratively will create a comprehensive support system for survivors of intimate partner and family violence across the region. This collaborative spirit is essential in addressing the complex needs of survivors and ensuring they receive the necessary assistance. By working with local partners within the existing community network, Shelter Movers can provide a cohesive and effective response to intimate partner and family violence, enhancing the other supports available to survivors and their families

To this end, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia has also formed a unique partnership with Shelter Movers New Brunswick to extend support to the Amherst region, utilizing volunteers from both sides of the border. This cross-provincial effort enhances the ability to serve more survivors and strengthens the network of support available in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Assisting survivors of gender-based violence in transitioning to a safer, more stable life has never been more achievable. However, this mission would not be possible without the dedication of volunteers and community partners. Shelter Movers has been fortunate to receive a warm welcome from local organizations and community partners in Cumberland-Colchester, which has been instrumental in making the expansion a reality

Beyond volunteering, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia aims to identify organizations and individuals interested in collaborating to:

1. Partner: Organizations and individuals interested in building relationships and giving back to the community are encouraged to reach out. Collaborations help to expand the reach of services and enhance the support available to survivors.
2. Spread the Word: Help raise awareness about Shetler Movers’ services and the importance of addressing gender-based violence in the Cumberland-Colchester region. By sharing information and promoting awareness, community members contribute to the creation of a more open and supportive place for everyone to live.

Are you local to the Cumberland-Colchester region? Get involved with Shelter Movers by applying to volunteer! All roles are flexible and your support helps survivors get a fresh start at a new life.

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