Refer a Client

How to Refer a Client / Survivor

Shelter Movers does not currently accept self referrals. To access our services, please connect with a referral agency. If you feel you are in danger, call 911 or your local police station immediately.

Shelter Movers’ services are available by referral. Referring agencies typically include: shelter staff, social workers, healthcare providers, community-based organizations, and police. To access this service, referred clients must be moving as a result of abuse / violence.

How to refer a client:

  1. With the consent of the survivor, contact the chapter that is nearest to your client. See contact information by region below.
  2. A member of our intake team will reply within one business day, requesting that you complete an in-depth intake form detailing logistics and safety information for the move.
  3. Once we’ve received the completed form, your client’s move will be assigned to one of our Move Coordinators who will contact the client directly to plan the move.

Please be prepared to provide us with:

  • Name of the referral contact (ex. coordinator at shelter/support agency/etc.)
  • Referral Contact’s email and/or Phone Number
  • Move Location (where the client is moving from)
  • Drop-off Location (where the client is moving to)
  • Requested move date(s) *Please provide a minimum of 3 dates. We ask for a minimum of 2 week’s notice whenever possible.

Refer a Client in Vancouver Region: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 3)


For clients in crisis, contact:

VictimLink BC 
Call/Text: 1-800-563-0808

Refer a Client in Calgary Region: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 8)


For clients in crisis, contact:

Fear is Not Love: 403.234.SAFE (7233) / / 403.604.6689

Family Violence Info Line: 310-1818 (toll free, services offered in over 170 languages)

Find a Shelter in Alberta: 1-866-331-3933

Refer a Client in Edmonton: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 9)


For clients in crisis, contact:

WIN House:  780-479-0058 (24-hr Helpline)

Family Violence Info Line: 310-1818 (toll free, services offered in over 170 languages) 

Find a Shelter in Alberta: 1-866-331-3933 

Refer a Client in Winnipeg: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 110)

For clients in crisis, contact:

Winnipeg Crisis Support line (24 hours): 204-615-0311

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, Inc. (9 a.m.-5 p.m.): 204-925-0300

Refer a Client in Southwestern Ontario: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 6)


For clients in crisis, contact:

Kitchener/Waterloo Crisis Line: 519-742-5894

Cambridge Crisis Line: 519-653-2422

Assaulted Women’s Helpline Crisis Line: 866-863-0511 

Refer a Client in Toronto: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 1)

Refer a Client in Peel Region: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 103)

Refer a Client in York Region: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 102)

For clients in crisis, contact: Assaulted Women’s Helpline Crisis Line: 866-863-0511

Refer a Client in Ottawa: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 2)


For clients in crisis, contact: 

Distress Centre Ottawa Crisis Line: 613-238-3311 

Assaulted Women’s Helpline Crisis Line: 866-863-0511

Refer a Client in Montreal: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 5) 


For clients in crisis, contact:  SOS Violence Conjugale: 1-800-363-9010

Refer a Client in New Brunswick Region:
1-855-203-6252 (ext. 7)

For clients in crisis, contact:

For available shelter spaces, visit:

Refer a Client in Nova Scotia: 1-855-203-6252 (ext. 4)


For clients in crisis, contact:

Bryony’s emergency line: 902-423-7183

Mental health crisis line call: 1-888-429-8167

Become a Referral Partner

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